Thursday, January 20, 2011

Anne Hathaway Casted as Selina Kyle (aka Catwoman)

First there was Julie Newmar. Then, the legendary Eartha Kitt, when Batman came to regular television as a series. When the Batman made another appearance at the box office, Lee Meriwether took on the role. Then jump ahead to 1992, when the classic Michelle Pfeiffer put on her own leather, cross stitched cat suite. Over the years filmmakers and producers have given us not too much of Catwoman. Her screen time has been just enough to intrigue us. That is until 2004, when someone got the bright idea to give Catwoman a movie to herself. Unfortunately the wonderful Halle Berry had to play her, however, she looked amazing. I guess I just really didn’t care about Catwoman’s origin to want to see a whole 90 minute movie about it. But I guess every actor/actress has that one bad role in their careers. Which actually leads me to the reason I’m writing this entry…

While browsing the web today I discovered, Warner Bros. has actually revealed that Anne Hathaway will be the next actress to receive her leather cat suit. (Some might know her from “The Devil Wears Prada” or the Tim Burton remake of, “Alice in Wonderland”, as The White Queen). Hathaway will appear in the sequel “The Dark Knight Rises” as, Selina Kyle. Now when I first read the news, I was undecided. I wasn’t too sure if I liked the idea of Hathaway as the “new” Catwoman. Catwoman to me is sexy, and I’ve never really looked at Hathaway as being sexy at all. But again it was stated she was cast the role of SELINA KYLE, the alter-ego of Catwoman. So maybe she won’t actually be Catwoman. Hathaway does have the body for it, but I’m not convinced she can even be “cat-like”. However, with that being said… I have faith in Hathaway. She’s an exceptional actress, and stunning girl. I just hope “The Dark Knight Rises” doesn’t let me down, being that the character (Catwoman) has been done so many times, but I don’t think they could come close to the tragedy of Catwoman (2004), the movie. I do have some faith in that though, because I think, “The Dark Knight” is one of the best Batman movies ever made. The villain Bane will also be appearing in the sequel, but who really cares about him. “The Dark Knight Rises”, is scheduled to hit theaters July 2012.

What is your opinion?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Is there a specific time frame before you can give the label “boyfriend/girlfriend”?

Is there a specific time frame before you can give the label “boyfriend/girlfriend”? If it’s possible for two people to fall in love at first sight, then why can’t you commit at first sight? The label of boyfriend/girlfriend is just a validation. It’s like the bow on a present; you would never assume a plain box was a present, if it didn’t have a bow.

I was approached with this question by a good friend, someone that I look to for advice, after a quick recap of my fantasy weekend. His intake and the responses he gave were somewhat satisfying, until I mentioned a certain word. Then his opinion changed. “Don’t you think you’re moving too fast?” I wasn’t sure if I was blown back by my hesitation to answer the question, or by his questioning of my judgment. In the moment of hesitation, I compared this “now” feeling with the feelings of the past that had led to a three year relationship. And that’s when I realized that my “now” feelings were less than that of my past’s. This “now” feeling withheld everything that made the past a disaster.

I’m happy. I’m completed. And even if it’s for a short period of time, in which I pray it isn’t, what’s wrong with me being happy? If a label or quick commitment makes me happy, so be it. Love is work the risk, right? Is a quick burst of happiness so wrong? Take the pair of shoes in your closet that you never got rid of. You got the same since of fulfillment, when you first purchased those then “in style” pair of shoes. Once they are out of style, did you feel as though time was wasted or that your heart was cheated? No, because you were thinking within the moment that bought them. And later on you came to realize, when the unreachable was miles away, it was those shoes that joined you on that journey. So to me there isn’t a time frame to assign the label of “boyfriend/girlfriend”. When you know, you know. And when it’s right, it’s right. We might have gone through a couple of pairs, but we all have, or will have that one good pair of shoes. The pair that came in style went “out” of style, and we still love. Now I ask… What if we never had taken the risk of buying those shoes, in that moment of happiness?